Just another Nodetraveller

A Change…

I’ve moved my blog from Mambo to Wordpress. Mambo is a great CMS but as a blogging tool, its not quite so mature. I wanted something simple and web standards friendly and wordpress seems to be it. The casualties in this move are the comments and the uk tv guide. I’m no longer publishing the component as its a Mambo component. but head on over to SynTV for the listings. Fortunately I haven’t blogged too much over and I was able to transfer over by good old cut n paste.

Well, there you go… expect some weird stuff as I play around and hopefully I’ll post new content soon…

SynTV - Public Beta

My latest project www.syntv.com is just about finished and is now out on a public beta.

SynTV provides UK TV listings in syndication formats (RSS 2.0 and ATOM) for use with desktop feed aggregators. Users can generate their own specific categories and searches and site developers are also provided for with support for HTML and Javascript. In a couple of weeks, I’ll also publish the XMLRPC web service.

If you’re interested, please check it out and give me some feedback…